Sunday, June 15, 2008


We have a new caregiver. In addition to missing many teeth, she seems to have a hearing problem. Already it’s a foundation for a relationship with my mother who also can neither hear nor hang on to her teeth. Just yesterday, she pulled another tooth out. She put it on the table with strict instructions to keep it. Yeah, right. It was gone in minutes.

Grace: “Are you looking at me?”
Deaf dentally challenged caregiver: “Why shouldn’t I be?”
Grace: “Don’t stare at me!”
Deaf dentally challenged caregiver: “I’m happy.”
Grace: “When are we eating dinner?”
Deaf dentally challenged caregiver: “You don’t look any thinner.:

My job is to not laugh.. out loud.

Grace: “Where should I sit?”
Deaf dentally challenged caregiver: “huh?”

…and so it goes….

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